Consistency figure

This notebook is a fork of "AnkleSLIP - find minimal model". Here, only a the "SLIP parameter prediction and model self-consistency check" figure is created last edits:

  • Nov. 28th, 2013 MM: notebook forked
  • Jan 7th, 2014 MM: adapted to new colors; splitted plots
  • Feb 18th, 2014 MM: adapted legend: labels now SLIP-consistent

Step 0: configure notebook and define functions

to content
Select subject and details of computation

In [1]:
# run this to connect an ipython qtconsole to the notebook

  "stdin_port": 38859, 
  "ip": "", 
  "control_port": 50332, 
  "hb_port": 52097, 
  "signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256", 
  "key": "baa047fc-bdaf-4a94-8444-ec2a271fb1d0", 
  "shell_port": 48742, 
  "transport": "tcp", 
  "iopub_port": 53534

Paste the above JSON into a file, and connect with:
    $> ipython <app> --existing <file>
or, if you are local, you can connect with just:
    $> ipython <app> --existing kernel-9330378e-b0a3-4fa4-b859-263d4f5fc532.json --profile nbserver
or even just:
    $> ipython <app> --existing --profile nbserver
if this is the most recent IPython session you have started.

In [1]:
%cd mmnotebooks


In [2]:
# system libs
import os
import sys
import re
from copy import deepcopy

# shai's lib
import libshai.util as ut

# my libs
import as mio
import mutils.misc as mi
import mutils.statistics as st
import mutils.FDatAn as fda
from import build_dataset
import models.sliputil as su
import models.slip as sl
from models.sliputil import getControlMaps
from models.sliputil import get_auto_sys
import mutils.plotting as mplt

conf = mio.saveable()
# define and import data
conf.subject = 2  #available subjects: 1,2,3,7. Other subjects have comparatively bad data quality
conf.ttype = 1 # 1: free running, 2: metronome running (data incomplete!)
conf.n_factors = 5 # 1-5 factors to predict SLIP parameters
conf.n_factors_doc = "how many (optimal) factors to select of the full kinematic state"
conf.exclude_IC_from_factors = False # exclude the initial conditions from kinematic state 
# detrending options
conf.dt_window = 30
conf.dt_medfilter = False # use median filter instead of mean
# select ankle-SLIP instead of "factors without CoM state" ?
conf.select_ankle_SLIP = True

conf.cslip_forceZeroRef = True # reference values for controlled SLIP maps must be zero or not
conf.cslip_forceZeroRef_doc = "reference values for controlled SLIP maps must be zero or not"

# to compute periodic SLIP orbit: average over parameters or initial conditions?
conf.po_average_over_IC = True
conf.po_average_over_IC_doc = "average over IC's and T,ymin (alt: parameters) for reference SLIP"

# startup
conf.startup_compute_full_maps = True # compute return maps on data loading?
conf.startup_n_full_maps = 40 # how many full-stride maps to compute for averaging
conf.startup_compute_PCA = False # compute PCA on startup?


cslip_forceZeroRef         bool  True       reference values for controlled SLIP maps must be zero or not
dt_medfilter               bool  False      
dt_window                  int  30          
exclude_IC_from_factors    bool  False      
n_factors                  int  5           how many (optimal) factors to select of the full kinematic state
po_average_over_IC         bool  True       average over IC's and T,ymin (alt: parameters) for reference SLIP
select_ankle_SLIP          bool  True       
startup_compute_PCA        bool  False      
startup_compute_full_maps  bool  True       
startup_n_full_maps        int  40          
subject                    int  2           
ttype                      int  1           

Step 1: import data

available workspaces:

  • ws1: generic workspace with KinData, SlipData and Dataset objects

to content

In [3]:
%%writefile tmp/
# load kinematic data
ws1 = mio.saveable()
#ws1.k = mio.KinData(data_dir = '/home/moritz/data/2011-mmcl_mat/')
ws1.k = mio.KinData(data_dir = 'data/2011-mmcl_mat/')
ws1.k_doc = "generic kinematic data access object (empty selection)"
ws1.k.load(conf.subject, conf.ttype)
ws1.k_doc = "KinData object: s:" + str(conf.subject) + ", t:" + str(conf.ttype) + ", selection: ankles"
ws1.k.selection = ['r_anl_y - com_y', 'l_anl_y - com_y', 'com_z']

ws1.SlipData = [mi.Struct(mio.mload('data/2011-mmcl_mat/SLIP/new/params3D_s%it%ir%i.dict' %
                                    (conf.subject, conf.ttype, rep)))
          for rep in ws1.k.reps]

ws1.SlipData_doc = "SlipData for s:" + str(conf.subject) + ", t:" + str(conf.ttype)

# huge data selection, but not every dimension of every marker
ws1.full_markers = [ 'com_x', 'com_y',  'com_z', 'r_mtv_x - com_x',   
                    'r_anl_x - com_x',  'r_kne_x - com_x',
     'r_sia_x - com_x', 
     'l_mtv_x - com_x', 
     'l_anl_x - com_x', 'l_kne_x - com_x', 'l_sia_x - com_x',     
     'sacr_x - com_x', 
     'cvii_x - com_x', 'r_wrl_x - com_x',
     'r_elb_x - com_x', 'l_elb_x - com_x', 
     'l_wrl_x - com_x', 
     'r_anl_y - com_y', 'r_kne_y - com_y', 'r_trc_y - com_y', 
     'r_sia_y - com_y', 
     'sacr_y - com_y',  'l_anl_y - com_y',
     'l_kne_y - com_y', 'l_trc_y - com_y',
     'l_sia_y - com_y',
     'cvii_y - com_y',
     'r_hea_x - com_x', 'l_hea_x - com_x', 'r_hea_y - com_y', 'l_hea_y - com_y',
     'r_hea_z - com_z', 'l_hea_z - com_z',
     'r_elb_y - com_y',
     'r_acr_y - com_y', 'l_acr_y - com_y',
     'l_elb_y - com_y', 'r_mtv_z - com_z', 
     'r_anl_z - com_z', 
     'r_trc_z - com_z',
     'l_mtv_z - com_z', 
     'l_anl_z - com_z', 'l_trc_z - com_z', 
     'sacr_z - com_z',  
     'r_wrl_z - com_z', 
     'r_acr_z - com_z', 'l_acr_z - com_z',
     'l_wrl_z - com_z']

ws1.full_markers_doc  = 'representative selection of markers for quasi-full state space information'
print "len of 'ws1.full_markers':", len(ws1.full_markers), " (all: 84)"

ws1.k.selection = ws1.full_markers #all_markers

ws1.dataset_full = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.dataset_full_doc = ("reference 'dataset' for s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + " t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype) +
    " with 'full' selection")

# "normalized" dataset: velocities scaled by small factor
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r = ws1.dataset_full.all_kin_r.copy()
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l = ws1.dataset_full.all_kin_l.copy()
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r[:, len(ws1.k.selection)-2:] /= 11.
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l[:, len(ws1.k.selection)-2:] /= 11.
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r -= mean(ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r, axis=0)
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l -= mean(ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l, axis=0)
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r = fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l = fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r_doc = "detrended 'all_kin_r'; velocity has been scaled by factor 1/11"
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l_doc = "detrended 'all_kin_l'; velocity has been scaled by factor 1/11"

Overwriting tmp/

Step 2: compute factors

to content

In [4]:
%%writefile tmp/
## prepare data

# *NOTE* the first three labels have to be "com_x", "com_y", "com_z". If you edit this, make sure to edit
# the cell where data are further processed...
ws1.k.selection = ws1.full_markers
ws1.k_doc =  "KinData object: s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + ", t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype) + ", selection: 'full'"

ws1.dataset = ws1.dataset_full
ws1.dataset_doc = ws1.dataset_full_doc

# another consistency check
stepnr = 698 # select any stride between 0 and ~1800 (subject dependend)
mass = mean([d.mass for d in ws1.SlipData])
# su.finalState actually performs a one-step integration of SLIP
print "consistency check:"
print "------------------"
print "simres  [right step]:", su.finalState(ws1.dataset.all_IC_r[stepnr, :], ws1.dataset.all_param_r[stepnr, :], 
                                             {'m' : mean(ws1.dataset.masses), 'g' : -9.81})
print "subsequent left apex:", ws1.dataset.all_IC_l[stepnr, :]
print "==========="
print "simres    [left step]:", su.finalState(ws1.dataset.all_IC_l[stepnr, :], ws1.dataset.all_param_l[stepnr, :], 
                                              {'m' : mean(ws1.dataset.masses), 'g' : -9.81})
print "subsequent right apex:", ws1.dataset.all_IC_r[stepnr + 1, :]

Overwriting tmp/

In [5]:
%%writefile -a tmp/
# Here, the main predictors ("directions") are computed. This is computationally quite fast
if conf.exclude_IC_from_factors:
    # indices that do *not* represent CoM (only relative positions, indicated by "minus" sign)
    sel_idx = array([nr for nr, label in enumerate(ws1.dataset.kin_labels) if '-' in label])
    ws1.facs_r_doc = ("directions of 'factors' for a right step excluding CoM, s:" + 
                      str(ws1.k.subject) + ", t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype))
    ws1.facs_l_doc = ("directions of 'factors' for a left step excluding CoM, s:" + 
                      str(ws1.k.subject) + ", t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype))

    sel_idx = arange(len(ws1.dataset.kin_labels))
    ws1.facs_r_doc = ("directions of 'factors' for a right step including CoM, s:" +
                      str(ws1.k.subject) + ", t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype))
    ws1.facs_l_doc = ("directions of 'factors' for a left step including CoM, s:" + 
                      str(ws1.k.subject) + ", t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype))
ws1.facs_labels = [ws1.dataset.kin_labels[x] for x in sel_idx]
ws1.facs_labels_doc = "kinematic labels for the components of the 'factors'"
ws1.facs_r = st.find_factors(ws1.dataset.s_kin_r[:, sel_idx].T, ws1.dataset.s_param_r.T, k=conf.n_factors)
ws1.facs_l = st.find_factors(ws1.dataset.s_kin_l[:, sel_idx].T, ws1.dataset.s_param_l.T, k=conf.n_factors)

ws1.fscore_r = dot(ws1.facs_r.T, ws1.dataset.s_kin_r[:, sel_idx].T).T
ws1.fscore_r_doc = "scores of data when projected on the factors (right)"
ws1.fscore_l = dot(ws1.facs_l.T, ws1.dataset.s_kin_l[:, sel_idx].T).T
ws1.fscore_l_doc = "scores of data when projected on the factors (left)"

ws1.raw_factor_space_r = ws1.dataset.s_kin_r[:, sel_idx]
ws1.raw_factor_space_l = ws1.dataset.s_kin_l[:, sel_idx]
ws1.raw_factor_space_l_doc = "part of state space used for computing the 'factors'"
ws1.raw_factor_space_l_doc = "part of state space used for computing the 'factors'"

# ---------------------visualize
gca().set_xticks(arange(len(ws1.facs_labels)) + .5)
gca().set_xticklabels(ws1.facs_labels, rotation=90)
title('magnitude of the factors')
gca().set_yticks(arange(ws1.facs_r.shape[1]) + .5)
gca().set_yticklabels(arange(ws1.facs_r.shape[1]) + 1)
gca().set_ylabel('factor #')

Appending to tmp/

Step 3: compute predictions

to content

In [6]:
%%writefile tmp/
# --- --- compute
def predTestFacs(ICr, ICl, fspacer, fspacel, pr, pl, nboot = 50):
    performs prediction test, computing the factors and keeping their direction constant in prediction
    # --- prepare output
    rvpr = [] # relative variance for parameters (right step -> left(!) parameters)
    rvfr = [] # relative variance for factor state (right step -> left(!) state)
    rvffr = [] # relative variance for factor state (right step -> left(!) state)

    # --- bootstrap loop
    idat_fr = hstack([ICr, fspacer])
    idat_fl = hstack([ICr, fspacel])
    print "=" * nboot
    for rep in range(nboot):
        # split into regression and prediction (indices)
        ridx = randint(0, idat_fr.shape[0], idat_fr.shape[0])
        pidx = fda.otheridx(ridx, idat_fr.shape[0])
        # compute factor direction        
        facsr = st.find_factors(fspacer[ridx, :].T, pr[ridx, :].T, k=conf.n_factors)
        idat_facr = vstack([ICr.T, dot(facsr.T, fspacer.T)]).T
        facsl = st.find_factors(fspacel[ridx, :].T, pl[ridx, :].T, k=conf.n_factors)
        idat_facl = vstack([ICl.T, dot(facsl.T, fspacel.T)]).T
        # compute maps
        idatRr = idat_facr[ridx, :]
        idatRfr = idat_fr[ridx, :]
        odatRpr = pr[ridx, :]
        odatRfr = idat_facl[ridx, :]
        Ap_r = dot(odatRpr.T, pinv(idatRr.T))        
        Af_r = dot(odatRfr.T, pinv(idatRr.T))        
        Aff_r = dot(odatRfr.T, pinv(idatRfr.T))
        # compute predictions
        idatPr = idat_facr[pidx, :]
        idatPfr = idat_fr[pidx, :]
        odatPpr = pr[pidx, :]
        odatPfr = idat_facl[pidx, :]                
        predpr = dot(Ap_r, idatPr.T).T
        predfr = dot(Af_r, idatPr.T).T
        predffr = dot(Aff_r, idatPfr.T).T
        # compute relative remaining variance
        rvpr.append(var(odatPpr - predpr, axis=0) / var(odatPpr, axis=0))
        rvfr.append(var(odatPfr - predfr, axis=0) / var(odatPfr, axis=0))
        rvffr.append(var(odatPfr - predffr, axis=0) / var(odatPfr, axis=0))
    print "done"
    return vstack(rvpr), vstack(rvfr), vstack(rvffr)

ICr, ICl, RFSr, RFSl, Pr, Pl = [fda.dt_movingavg(x, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter) for x in 
    [ws1.dataset.all_IC_r, ws1.dataset.all_IC_l, ws1.raw_factor_space_r, ws1.raw_factor_space_l,
     ws1.dataset.s_param_r, ws1.dataset.s_param_l]]

# SLIP param prediction using factors, factors using factors, factors using FS
rvpr_fac, rvfr_fac, rvfr_full = predTestFacs(ICr, ICl, RFSr, RFSl, Pr, Pl, nboot=100)

rvpr_aug = st.predTest(hstack([ICr, roll(Pl, 1, axis=0)])[1:, :], Pr[1:, :], nboot=100)
rvpr_full = st.predTest(hstack([ICr, RFSr]), Pr, nboot=100)
raidx = array([idx for idx, lbl in enumerate(ws1.dataset_full.kin_labels) if 'r_anl' in lbl])
laidx = array([idx for idx, lbl in enumerate(ws1.dataset_full.kin_labels) if 'l_anl' in lbl])
rank = fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset_full.all_kin_r[:, raidx], conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
lank = fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset_full.all_kin_l[:, laidx], conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)

rvpr_ank = st.predTest(hstack([ICr, rank]), Pr, nboot=100)
rvankr_ank = st.predTest(hstack([ICr, rank]), hstack([ICl, lank]) , nboot=100)
rvankr_full = st.predTest(hstack([ICr, RFSr]), hstack([ICl, lank]) , nboot=100)

print "done"

Overwriting tmp/

step 4: Create figure

to content

plots should contain:

  • self-consistency check of

    • factor model (factor state + IC!)
    • ankle - slip
    • augmented slip
  • parameter prediction quality

    • full state
    • factor model (factor state + IC!)
    • ankle-slip
    • augmented slip

In [7]:
# --- compute predictions for all 4 subjects:

a_rvpr_full, a_rvpr_fac, a_rvpr_ank, a_rvpr_aug = [], [], [], []
a_rvfr_fac, a_rvfr_full, a_rvankr_ank, a_rvankr_full = [], [], [], []

for conf.subject in [1,2,3,7]:
    print "=" * 20, "subject", conf.subject, "=" * 20
    %run -i tmp/
    %run -i tmp/
    %run -i tmp/
    # -> store computed variance reductions

==================== subject 1 ====================
SlipData        list (6)         SlipData for s:1, t:1
k               <class ''> KinData object: s:1, t:1, selection: ankles
len of 'ws1.full_markers': 48  (all: 84)
consistency check:
simres  [right step]: [ 0.95528108  2.73763771 -0.00519731]
subsequent left apex: [ 0.95488992  2.73897344 -0.0051922 ]
simres    [left step]: [ 0.95209103  2.71029044  0.08128932]
subsequent right apex: [ 0.95168948  2.71180956  0.08132109]
==================== subject 2 ====================
SlipData        list (6)         SlipData for s:2, t:1
k               <class ''> KinData object: s:2, t:1, selection: ankles
len of 'ws1.full_markers': 48  (all: 84)
consistency check:
simres  [right step]: [ 1.0155161   2.8298413  -0.09270095]
subsequent left apex: [ 1.01590667  2.8285163  -0.09268154]
simres    [left step]: [  1.01073583e+00   2.81441371e+00  -1.05613583e-03]
subsequent right apex: [  1.01110897e+00   2.81305086e+00  -1.04482628e-03]
==================== subject 3 ====================
SlipData        list (5)         SlipData for s:3, t:1
k               <class ''> KinData object: s:3, t:1, selection: ankles
len of 'ws1.full_markers': 48  (all: 84)
consistency check:
simres  [right step]: [ 0.98232538  3.14389771  0.07544172]
subsequent left apex: [ 0.98259773  3.14302271  0.07542235]
simres    [left step]: [ 0.98303148  3.16542929  0.04455227]
subsequent right apex: [ 0.98330178  3.16461865  0.04453483]
==================== subject 7 ====================
SlipData        list (6)         SlipData for s:7, t:1
k               <class ''> KinData object: s:7, t:1, selection: ankles
len of 'ws1.full_markers': 48  (all: 84)
consistency check:
simres  [right step]: [ 0.92623836  2.91572385 -0.01507957]
subsequent left apex: [ 0.92694364  2.91348088 -0.01512595]
simres    [left step]: [  9.33186530e-01   2.87241154e+00  -2.19942679e-03]
subsequent right apex: [  9.33853314e-01   2.87006948e+00  -2.19283542e-03]

In [9]:

(100, 8)

In [11]:

(100, 5)

In [19]:
# --- visualize

# --- --- select subject for "full" visualization
vis_subj = 2 # 0,1,2,3

nvs = list(set(range(4)) - set([vis_subj]))
vis_subj_str = ['1', '2', '3', '7'][vis_subj]

rvpr_full = a_rvpr_full[vis_subj]
rvpr_fac = a_rvpr_fac[vis_subj]
rvpr_ank = a_rvpr_ank[vis_subj]
rvpr_aug = a_rvpr_aug[vis_subj]
rvfr_fac = a_rvfr_fac[vis_subj]
rvfr_full = a_rvfr_full[vis_subj]
rvankr_ank = a_rvankr_ank[vis_subj]
rvankr_full = a_rvankr_full[vis_subj]

# --- --- create figure

# --- --- left subplot
ax0 = subplot(2,1,1)

posP = arange(rvpr_full.shape[1]) * 3
b1 = boxplot(rvpr_full, positions = posP + .1, widths=.30)
b2 = boxplot(rvpr_fac, positions = posP + .5, widths=.30)
b3 = boxplot(rvpr_ank, positions = posP + .9, widths=.30)
b4 = boxplot(rvpr_aug, positions = posP + 1.3, widths=.30)
mi.recolor(b1, '#006767')
mi.recolor(b3, '#009900')

fmt = {'marker' : '>',
       'markersize' : 3,
       'markeredgecolor' : None}

colors_ = mplt.colorset_distinct

for idx in nvs:
    for x in arange(5):
        plot(posP[x] + .1 - .1, median(a_rvpr_full[idx][:,x]), color=colors_[0], **fmt)
        plot(posP[x] + .5 - .1, median(a_rvpr_fac[idx][:,x]), color=colors_[1], **fmt)
        plot(posP[x] + .9 - .1, median(a_rvpr_ank[idx][:,x]), color=colors_[2], **fmt)
        plot(posP[x] + 1.3 - .1, median(a_rvpr_aug[idx][:,x]), color=colors_[3],  **fmt)

# --- --- right subplot
outliers = '' # enter '+' to show outliers
ax1 = subplot(2,1,2)
pos1 = hstack([arange(3) * 3, arange(conf.n_factors) * 1.8 + 10])
pos2 = hstack([arange(3) * 3, arange(6) * 1.8 + 18]) + .8
b1 = boxplot(rvfr_fac, sym=outliers, positions=pos1 + .1, widths=.20)
b2 = boxplot(rvfr_full, sym=outliers, positions=pos1 + .4, widths=.20)
ax1b = ax1.twiny()
b3 = boxplot(rvankr_ank, sym=outliers, positions=pos2 + .1, widths=.20)
b4 = boxplot(rvankr_full, sym=outliers, positions=pos2 + .4, widths=.20)

# remove outliers

ax0.set_xticks(arange(rvpr_full.shape[1]) * 3 + .7)
ax0.set_xticklabels(['$k$', r'$\alpha$', r'$\L_0$', r'$\beta$', r'$\Delta E$'])
ax0.set_xlabel('SLIP parameter')
ax0.set_ylabel('relative remaining variance')
ax0.plot([-1, rvpr_full.shape[1] * 3 - 1], [1, 1], 'k--')
ax0.set_xlim(-1, rvpr_full.shape[1] * 3 - 1)
ax0.set_ylim(0, 1.15)

xticks1 = pos1 + .45
xticks1[:3] += .25

xticks2 = pos2[3:] + .45

ax1.set_xticklabels(['com_z', 'v_com_x', 'v_com_y', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5'])
ax1b.set_xticklabels(['ank_x', 'ank_y', 'ank_z', 'v_ank_x', 'v_ank_y', 'v_ank_z'])
ax1.set_xlim(-1.5, pos2[-1] + 2)
ax1b.plot([-1.5, pos2[-1] + 2], [1, 1], 'k--')
ax1b.set_xlim(-1.5, pos2[-1] + 2)
ax1.set_ylim(0, 1.15)
ax1.set_ylabel('relative remaining variance')
ax1b.set_title('Reduced model inner consistency check. Boxplotes for subject {}\n\n'.format(vis_subj_str))
ax0.set_title('SLIP parameter prediction. Boxplots for subject {}'.format(vis_subj_str))

for idx in nvs:
    for x in arange(len(pos1)):
        plot([pos1[x] -.6,  pos1[x] -.1],
             [median(a_rvfr_fac[idx][:,x]), median(a_rvfr_full[idx][:,x])], '.-', color='k', linewidth=1)

    for x in arange(len(pos2)):
        plot([pos2[x] + .5,  pos2[x] + 1],
             [median(a_rvankr_ank[idx][:,x]), median(a_rvankr_full[idx][:,x])], '.-', color='g', linewidth=1)



pass #suppress output

In [9]:
# --- required imports and definitions
import matplotlib.font_manager as fmng
FM = fmng.FontManager()
fnt = FM.findfont('Arial')
fp = fmng.FontProperties(fname=fnt)

import mutils.plotting as mplt
colors_ = mplt.colorset_distinct

import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['mathtext.default'] = 'regular' # this is the key

In [10]:
# --- only "top" subplot

fig = figure(figsize=(8.8/2.56,2.8)) # height was 2.4

ax0 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

posP = arange(rvpr_full.shape[1]) * 3
b1 = boxplot(rvpr_full, positions = posP + .1, widths=.30, sym='')
b2 = boxplot(rvpr_fac, positions = posP + .5, widths=.30, sym='')
b3 = boxplot(rvpr_ank, positions = posP + .9, widths=.30, sym='')
b4 = boxplot(rvpr_aug, positions = posP + 1.3, widths=.30, sym='')
mi.recolor(b1, colors_[0], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b2,  colors_[1], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b3,  colors_[2], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b4,  colors_[3], lw=.5)

fmt = {'marker' : '>',
       'markersize' : 3,
       'markeredgecolor' : 'None'}

for idx in nvs:
    for x in arange(5):
        plot(posP[x] + .1 - .1, median(a_rvpr_full[idx][:,x]), color=colors_[0], **fmt)
        plot(posP[x] + .5 - .1, median(a_rvpr_fac[idx][:,x]), color=colors_[1], **fmt)
        plot(posP[x] + .9 - .1, median(a_rvpr_ank[idx][:,x]), color=colors_[2], **fmt)
        plot(posP[x] + 1.3 - .1, median(a_rvpr_aug[idx][:,x]), color=colors_[3],  **fmt)

ax0.set_xticks(arange(rvpr_full.shape[1]) * 3 + .7)
ax0.set_yticks(arange(6) * .2)
ax0.set_yticklabels(arange(6) * .2, fontproperties=fp)
ax0.set_xticklabels(['$k$', r'$\alpha$', r'$L_0$', r'$\beta$', r'$\Delta E$'], fontproperties=fp)
ax0.set_xlabel('predicted parameter', fontproperties=fp)
ax0.set_ylabel('rrv', fontproperties=fp)
ax0.plot([-1, rvpr_full.shape[1] * 3 - 1], [1, 1], 'k--')
ax0.set_xlim(-2, rvpr_full.shape[1] * 3 - 1)
ax0.set_ylim(0, 1.15)

subplots_adjust(right=.966, bottom=.16, top=.77)

ax0.set_title('Predictability of SLIP parameters\n\n\n', fontproperties=fp)

axl = fig.add_axes([0.12, 0.79, 0.89, 0.097], frameon=False )
axl.text(1, 0, 'full state', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.text(1, -1, 'CoM and factors', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.text(7, 0, 'CoM and ankle state', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.text(7, -1, 'CoM and prev. SLIP parameter', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.plot([0, .8],[0, 0], '-', color=colors_[0], lw=2)
axl.plot([0, .8],[-1,-1], '-', color=colors_[1], lw=2)
axl.plot([6, 6.8],[0, 0], '-', color=colors_[2], lw=2)
axl.plot([6, 6.8],[-1,-1], '-', color=colors_[3], lw=2)

ax0.arrow(-1.5,0.95,0,-0.8, head_width=0.15, head_length=0.1, lw=1, )
ax0.text(-1.3,0.5, 'better prediction', ha='left', va='center', rotation=90, fontproperties=fp)

if True:


In [18]:
# cell to prevent excessive scrolling

In [11]:

In [21]:
# --- visualize (only "bottom" subplot)

# --- --- select subject for "full" visualization
vis_subj = 2 # 0,1,2,3
c2_idx = 8 # color index: 2="old", 8="new" (lighter green)

pull_ank_down = True # pull ankle labels "down" on same axis

nvs = list(set(range(4)) - set([vis_subj]))
vis_subj_str = ['1', '2', '3', '7'][vis_subj]

rvpr_full = a_rvpr_full[vis_subj]
rvpr_fac = a_rvpr_fac[vis_subj]
rvpr_ank = a_rvpr_ank[vis_subj]
rvpr_aug = a_rvpr_aug[vis_subj]
rvfr_fac = a_rvfr_fac[vis_subj]
rvfr_full = a_rvfr_full[vis_subj]
rvankr_ank = a_rvankr_ank[vis_subj]
rvankr_full = a_rvankr_full[vis_subj]

# --- --- create figure
if pull_ank_down:
    fig = figure(figsize=(18./2.56, 2.8))
    fig = figure(figsize=(18./2.56, 3.2))

# --- --- right subplot
outliers = '' # enter '+' to show outliers
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
pos1 = hstack([arange(3) * 3, arange(conf.n_factors) * 1.8 + 10])
pos2 = hstack([arange(3) * 3, arange(6) * 1.8 + 19]) + .8

b1 = boxplot(rvfr_fac, sym=outliers, positions=pos1 + .1, widths=.40)
b2 = boxplot(rvfr_full, sym=outliers, positions=pos1 + .8, widths=.40)
if not pull_ank_down:
    ax1b = ax1.twiny()
    ax1b = ax1
b3 = boxplot(rvankr_ank, sym=outliers, positions=pos2 + .9, widths=.40)
b4 = boxplot(rvankr_full[:,3:], sym=outliers, positions=pos2[3:] , widths=.40)
mi.recolor(b1, colors_[1])
mi.recolor(b3, colors_[c2_idx]) # was: colors_[2]

# remove outliers

if pull_ank_down:
    xticks1 = hstack([pos1[:3] + .8, pos1[3:] + .35, pos2[3:] + .45])
    xticks1 = pos1 + .45
    xticks1[:3] += .35    
    xticks2 = pos2[3:] + .45
#ax1.set_xticklabels(['com$_z$', 'com$_{vx}$', 'com$_{vy}$', 
#                     'factor 1', 'factor 2', 'factor 3', 'factor 4', 'factor 5'], 
#                    fontproperties=fp, rotation=45, ha='right')
#ax1b.set_xticklabels(['ank$_x$', 'ank$_y$', 'ank$_z$', 'ank$_{vx}$', 'ank$_{vy}$', 'ank$_{vz}$'], fontproperties=fp,
#                     rotation=45, ha='left')
if pull_ank_down:
    ax1.set_xticklabels(['com$_y$', 'com$_{vz}$', 'com$_{vx}$', 
                         'factor 1', 'factor 2', 'factor 3', 'factor 4', 'factor 5',
                         'ank$_z$', 'ank$_x$', 'ank$_y$', 'ank$_{vz}$', 'ank$_{vx}$', 'ank$_{vy}$'], 
                        fontproperties=fp, rotation=45, ha='right')    
    ax1.set_xticklabels(['com$_y$', 'com$_{vz}$', 'com$_{vx}$', 
                         'factor 1', 'factor 2', 'factor 3', 'factor 4', 'factor 5'], 
                        fontproperties=fp, rotation=45, ha='right')
    ax1b.set_xticklabels(['ank$_z$', 'ank$_x$', 'ank$_y$', 'ank$_{vz}$', 'ank$_{vx}$', 'ank$_{vy}$'], fontproperties=fp,
                         rotation=45, ha='left')

#ax1.set_xlim(-1.5, pos2[-1] + 2)
ax1.set_xlim(-2, pos2[-1] + 2) # additional space for "better prediction" arrow

ax1.arrow(-1.5,0.95,0,-0.8, head_width=0.225, head_length=0.1, lw=1, fc='k', ec='k')
ax1.text(-1.3,0.5, 'better prediction', ha='left', va='center', rotation=90, fontproperties=fp)

ax1b.plot([-2., pos2[-1] + 2], [1, 1], 'k--')
ax1b.set_xlim(-2, pos2[-1] + 2)
ax1.set_yticklabels(arange(6) * .2, fontproperties=fp)
ax1.set_xlabel('predicted coordinate', fontproperties=fp)
ax1.set_ylim(0, 1.15)
ax1.set_ylabel('rrv', fontproperties=fp)
#ax1b.set_title('Consistency check of reduced model: prediction of' + 
#               ' own states (boxplots for subject {})\n\n\n\n'.format(vis_subj_str),
#               fontproperties=fp)
ax1.set_yticks(arange(6) * .2)

for idx in nvs:
    for x in arange(len(pos1)):        
        plot([pos1[x] +.2,  pos1[x] +.7],
             [median(a_rvfr_fac[idx][:,x]), median(a_rvfr_full[idx][:,x])], '-', color=colors_[1], linewidth=1)
        plot([pos1[x] +.2],
             [median(a_rvfr_fac[idx][:,x])], '>', color=colors_[1], mec='None',
        plot([pos1[x] +.7],
             [median(a_rvfr_full[idx][:,x])], '<', color=colors_[0], mec='None', 

    for x in arange(len(pos2)):
        plot([pos2[x] + .8,  pos2[x] + .1],
             [median(a_rvankr_ank[idx][:,x]), median(a_rvankr_full[idx][:,x])], '-', color=colors_[c2_idx], linewidth=.5)
        plot([pos2[x] + .8],
             [median(a_rvankr_ank[idx][:,x])], '<', color=colors_[c2_idx],  mec='None', 
        plot([pos2[x] + .1],
             [median(a_rvankr_full[idx][:,x])], '>', color=colors_[0],  mec='None', 


if pull_ank_down:
    subplots_adjust(hspace=.5, right=.975, top=.95, bottom=.24, left=.075)
    subplots_adjust(hspace=.5, right=.975, top=.8, bottom=.21, left=.075)
#subplots_adjust(right=.966, bottom=.18, top=.9)


# --- legend axis
if pull_ank_down:
    axl = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.875, 0.75, 0.0625])
    axl = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.78, 0.55, 0.125])

if pull_ank_down:
    axl.text(0, -1, 'input for prediction:', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
    xoffset = 15
    axl.text(0, 0, 'input for prediction:', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
    xoffset = 0
axl.text(3 + xoffset, -1, 'full state', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.text(13 + xoffset, -1, 'CoM and factors', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.text(28 + xoffset, -1, 'CoM and ankle state', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.plot([0 + xoffset, 2 + xoffset],[-1,-1], '-', color=colors_[0], lw=2)
axl.plot([10 + xoffset, 12 + xoffset],[-1,-1], '-', color=colors_[1], lw=2)
axl.plot([25 + xoffset, 27 + xoffset],[-1,-1], '-', color=colors_[c2_idx], lw=2)

if pull_ank_down:
axl.set_xlim(-2, 42 + xoffset)

print 'stored as img/consistency_check_prediction_s{}.pdf'.format(vis_subj_str)
pass #suppress output

stored as img/consistency_check_prediction_s3.pdf

In [17]:
[(nr, val) for nr, val in enumerate(colors_)]

[(0, '#000000'),
 (1, '#106aa4'),
 (2, '#43bf3c'),
 (3, '#ff7f00'),
 (4, '#ef0a28'),
 (5, '#5f2e82'),
 (6, '#8f8f8f'),
 (7, '#92bee3'),
 (8, '#a1df80'),
 (9, '#fdaf5f'),
 (10, '#fb8987'),
 (11, '#baa2c5')]

In [ ]: